Un accompagnement pour les services civiques et des stagiaires

To help you through the essential stages of welcoming and monitoring a civic service employee, I offer you specific, personalized support through :

  • the definition of a "useful but unnecessary" mission,
  • volunteer training (with financial assistance from the government),
  • writing a report.
    (more details on this scheme in the comprehensive Guide de l'organisme d'accueil)

traineeIf you're interested, especially if you don't yet have your own premises or a salaried employee, I can offer you the opportunity to take on a trainee:

  • by defining with you a clear internship offer with achievable pedagogical objectives,
  • by welcoming him to the Bankiva office,
  • acting as internship tutor (regular updates, monitoring of objectives, training, etc.).

Stage « Opportunités du projet VidéOdit »

Par exemple, en 2015, j’encadre un élève ingénieur agronome pour travailler sur les opportunités d’un audit de protection animale en abattoir : le projet VidéOdit.