The team

The Bankiva office, a team committed to animal welfare and breeding

Originally (in 2014) and during its first years, the Bankiva office was limited to its founder: Aurelia, an ethologist specializing in farm animals. The team has since grown to include three ethologists and two agricultural engineers (one of whom is a work-study student).

What unites us? Scientific training, a rigorous approach to subjects, extensive experience with farm animals, and deeply rooted constructive and welfarist values;

and, above all, a strong motivation to improve the daily lives of millions of farm animals and build a sustainable, resilient livestock industry for the future.

Aurélia Warin, ethologist and office manager

With a university education in biology, culminating in a Master's degree in applied ethology at Paris XIII, Aurélia has focused throughout her career on the welfare of farm animals (whether as part of a research team or in multi-partner projects).

She worked for five years with a welfarist association (Welfarm), managing relations with agri-food players, developing partnerships with research players and running information campaigns aimed at professionals and the general public.

In 2014, the creation of the Bankiva office enabled him to support various stakeholders in improving the living conditions (and transport and slaughter) of farm animals, independently and in the light of the latest knowledge in animal behavior.

Lola Reverchon-Billot, ethologist and animal welfare officer

After several years of research and fieldwork on wild fauna, Lola chose to focus on the welfare of farm animals. With the aim of gaining a better understanding of the various technical aspects of livestock farming, and to provide closer support to farmers, she continued her studies to obtain a BTS in animal production.

After working as an auditor in a firm specializing in the monitoring and assessment of farm animal welfare (in slaughterhouses in particular), Lola joined the Bankiva office in 2020. Her technical knowledge of agriculture, combined with her ethological outlook, will enable her to pursue the welfarist activities of the Bankiva office.

Emilie Gregorio, agricultural engineer and animal welfare officer

A graduate of the Bordeaux School of Agricultural Engineering with a specialization in Sustainable Animal Production, Emilie also trained in ethology and farm animal welfare at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain.

In 2020, she supported the Conservatoire des Races d'Aquitaine in the dairy and beef development of a small cattle breed, the Bordelaise.

The following year, Emilie worked with several French dairies to create and produce an inventory of animal welfare in cattle farming.

Thanks to her experience, Emilie is now one of the Bankiva office's contacts for dairy cattle issues. She also provides technical and scientific support for the Association Étiquette Bien-Être Animal.

Mathilde Stomp, PhD in ethology and R&D project manager

After obtaining a Master's degree in ethology and neuroscience at the University of Rennes 1, where she had the opportunity to study various species, Mathilde worked as a research engineer in the EthoS laboratory, contributing to a study of comparative cognition in primates. Keen to delve into more applied research issues, she then completed a PhD in ethology focusing on animal welfare. Her work focused on identifying indicators of positive emotions in domestic horses.

In order to put her theoretical and methodological knowledge of animal welfare assessment to good use, she worked for three years at a technical institute (ITAVI), where she focused, among other things, on developing a method for assessing the welfare of farmed trout, before taking charge of the animal welfare team.

Enriched by this hands-on experience, Mathilde joined the Bankiva office in 2023. She mainly supports the team on R&D projects.

Maëlla Poupon, work-study student in agricultural engineering

With a BTS in animal production, Maëlla joins Bureau Bankiva in October 2021 to pursue her engineering training in agronomy and agro-industry through an apprenticeship. It is with a fresh eye on the world of farm animal welfare and knowledge of agronomy that she completes the Bureau Bankiva team.

 Anthony Legeard, ethologist and animal welfare officer

It was during his Agronomy Engineering course at the Institut Agro Dijon, with a specialization in livestock engineering, that Anthony decided to turn to ethology. He studied fallow deer in Dublin and, in 2021, at Terres Inovia, worked on the behavior of sunflower predator birds (corvids and pigeons). He will then continue on this subject until the end of 2023 by leading a research project at the Institut Agro Dijon, the aim being to identify sustainable and viable solutions for both farmers and the birds feeding on sunflower seeds and seedlings. Anthony joined the Bankiva office in 2024: his knowledge of the world of livestock farming combined with his experience in behavioral research enabled him to take part in the team's various R&D projects.

And various collaborators as projects arise

To ensure the success of all Bankiva projects, we call on a wide range of skills in graphic design (graphic facilitation with Margot or François, illustrations and computer graphics with Nicolas or Marie, for example), mediation (with environmental consultation specialists, for example) or with other specialists in the field (such as ETRE, for projects requiring specialized expertise in felling conditions).

Find out more about setting up the office

Presentation of the creation of the Bankiva office, in an interview filmed by the PLM newspaper: