Posters presented at scientific conferences
In 2024, the Bankiva office presented several of its scientific works:
Current knowledge and questions about the behavior of Panaeus vanamei shrimp and how best to take them into account in a production context (in grow-out tanks),
But also on these same shrimp when they interact with operators on production sites.
at the UFAW International Animal Welfare Conference 2024, July 10-11 in Porto
The links between the longevity of dairy goats and animal welfare, highlighting the positive impact of certain herd management choices on the average longevity of goats in the herd, but also on the breeder-animal relationship and on lameness, at the 53rd conference of the French Society for the Study of Animal Behavior (SFECA) on May 22 and 23 in Albi.
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We have also been working with the goat industry on building improvements to enhance the well-being of goats:
- at the Colloque "Le bâtiment d'élevage, point de rencontre entre l'homme et l'animal" (BOW) , in Rennes in February
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Previously, in 2023, the office presented two posters, one on the current state of knowledge on salmon welfare, as seen by different stakeholders, and the other on the creation of a tool to assess animal reactivity during the gavage phase; posters presented:
- at the Société Française d'Etudes en Comportement Animal (SFECA) conference in Tours in May,
- at the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) in Lyon in August,
- at the XI European Symposium on Poultry Welfare, in Pragues in June (for the poster on the right on duck reactivity)
![Poster R&D methodology reactivity ducks - SFECA 2023](
Articles publiés
Laura Warin, Maryse Guinebretière, Lucille Bellegarde, Sophie Brajon, Françoise Burgaud, Emilie Gregorio, Estelle Guérin, Elisabeth Le Bihan-Duval, Lola Reverchon-Billot, Aurélia Warin, Cécile Arnould. 2022. What are the behavioral needs of the Gallus gallus domesticus species? Quatorzièmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Tours, March 9 and 10, 2022.
Aurélia WARIN & Lola REVERCHON-BILLOT. 2021. Becoming a goat: identifying and satisfying the behavioral needs of goats. Recueil des journées nationales des Groupements Techniques Vétérinaires 2021. pp 69 - 72
Aurélia WARIN. 2019. Concertation sur le bien-être animal: facteurs clés de réussite. Animal welfare: values to share. Colloque du RMT Bien-Être Animal on July 1&2, 2019 in Strasbourg (France).
Aurélia WARIN. 2018. Societal demand for animal welfare: understanding and responding. Recueil des journées nationales des Groupements Techniques Vétérinaires 2018. pp 349 - 353
Aurélia WARIN-RAMETTE. 2011. Breeders, associations and consumers: actors for tomorrow's livestock farming. Ethnozootechnie n° 91. SEZ
Warin-Ramette, A. and Mirabito, L. Use of rotating box and turned-back position of cattle at the time of slaughter. EAAP - 61st Annual Meeting, Heraklion 2011
Aurélia WARIN-RAMETTE. 2010. The realities of ritual slaughter: an ethologist's testimony from a slaughter hall. RSDA 2/2010